Oil burn cloud on engine deceleration

Ok, what do you guys want pics of? I removed the intake. Looks like a ton of oil on the gaskets and intake surface.

I haven’t pulled the gaskets off the head yet. Was waiting for pic requests. Also, birthday party to go to.
man, there is oil everywhere. why does the pic of the intake look like it has a gasket on it? Is the sealing surface of the intake flat? because it doesn't look flat. Also, you look like you could use a valley baffle, that might cut down on some of the oil flying around in the valley. I think Milodon, or somebody like that makes them. Judging from what I'm seeing, I don't think the manifold is sealing properly. bolt it up sans gasket to one head and then measure the gap on the other side in lots of places Then do it again on the other head. Don't use silicone on the intake bolts threads, use permagasket, no2, I think. It comes in a little white plastic bottle with a brush built into the cap. It's thickish brown, tarry looking stuff.
JC, do you run a high pressure or high volume oil pump?