Well It Finally Happened

Hey Glen! You REALLY better search for my thread "missed on this combo", before you buy ANY heads.
I thought we discussed this. Hate to see another guy dissappointed.

p.s. I'll bet Mr Bloomer is not selling heads yet. They halted the project after my test results. Haven't heard if they found the issue yet....

Hey Mike,
Read the entire "missed on this combo" thread. Not sure which heads I am going with now. Considering just getting the Edlebrock head and having Dumhoff go through them. By the way, how long do they take to check a block out? They've had my block for 2 weeks and they can't even tell me whether to order a 30 over kit or something else. I am not pushing too hard but I am anxious to start ordering parts so I can get the show on the road.
