I think I have become a Mopar snob

I used to make my living building other people's dreams.

As such I have thousands of dollars in tools and equipment and decades of accumulated experience to do so. Not everyone who does this as a hobby can say the same. Some are unwilling to make that same investment, knowing they'll use those tools once and never again, others are wanting their dream done right the first time or are afraid of ******* it up so bad it'll be junk again in no time, so they turn to others with the experience.

Take the 70 year old school teacher who actually had the experience but had neither the time, the tools, or the space.

The 55 year old businessman who had his dad's Pontiac. His work took him out of town a lot. He would have loved to do it on his own, but didn't have the time, nor the time to learn. And considering it was his dad's car, it held a lot of sentimental value that he was afraid he would mess up.

The 50 year old engineer who adored his '65 T-bird, but realized he'd never be able to get the body and paint to a level of perfection that he wanted.

I'd say without knowing the particular circumstances and a bit of overheard conversation you're quick to judge something you know nothing about.