working on 69 340 barracuda exhaust

from the TTi head pipes I will use the stainless system from "PYPES"Pypes Exhaust (SMA10R) Pypes 67-73 Mopar A-Body 2.5'' Crossmember Back w/ X-Pipe System RacePro killer will post pics when done
That's a good looking system, I like the turn down tailpipes, but I'm not sure if it will work for my car. I plan on buying the whole TTI system including the head pipes, but I have to figure out where to hook up my passenger side down pipe downstream, so to speak, under the car. My questions is, from looking at your pics and my pics, I think I'm better off ordering the passenger side down pipe you bought. It looks like at least my down pipe and where I cut the TTI pipe will be in the neighborhood. Was it for manifold #2863549? It looks like you have the 68-70 340 manifolds?