Well It Finally Happened

Alright so I've got to come clean here. When I was removing all of the accessories off of the engine prior to removing it I found something interesting. I noticed when I was removing the fan that the crankshaft pulley was moving around and when I checked it it was loose and that was the noise that I was hearing and it wasn't a rod knock! I am too far along (and too excited) to change my my mind now. Plus the supercharged engine was 30 years old and was getting a little long in the tooth.

I have officially been waiting 3 weeks now for the machine shop to clean, magnaflux and sonic check my new block. I am getting a little impatient as I want to get moving on accumulating parts. I do have the engine bay cleaned and we are getting ready to weld any unnecessary holes shut prior to repainting. We are going to try to hide as much of the wiring as possible.