Pretty sure my dream job would be selling this from a food truck.

Another twisted soul led to the demented side by Monty Python's Flying Circus :rofl: . My 10 yr old daughter came home from visiting her baby sitter and her college freshman daughter singing "The Lumberjack Song". I knew my daughter was headed in the right direction. :lol: Oh, the Spam thing. Boy Scout's go to. Last time I ate it didn't agree with me. I know it can never go bad. I must have cooked it improperly :BangHead:
If you're a Monty Python fan you need to check out a little know movie from the early 80s called Yellowbeard. It has a lot of the Python cast in it John Please, Eric Idle and Grahm Capman. Also has Marty Feldman, Madeline Khaun and Cheech & Chong. Typical Python humor. I was able to download the whole movie for free online. There are also pieces of it on YouTube.