It's getting painful to read some of the posts on here.

when i read this the day it was post i thought ya iam with ya then i realized he ment people like me i dont capitalize or use commas or periods my sentences run together like you-know-what out of the south end of a northbound dog and my spelling is horrendous it never seemed to be a problem with people that i communicated with it certainly never had a bearing on my hen scratched writing on an application for a loan for a house or car or a business loan i I think people need to lighten up a little bit at my age I'm far too old to change now and also my mom taught me some 50 plus years ago there's no such word as got gotten or worse my mouth was slapped many of times until I learn that

Not funny...above has already been done..My opinion is that this topic should be put to bed. It's getting pretty repetitive and boring. I know I Know..don't read it. That's what I'm going to do from here on out.