Man neighbors suck sometimes. Opinions?

Neighbors to the N of me are best friends. Neighbors to the S are big pieces of do do. They have a driveway but park on the street, in the winter the plows has to go "out and around" their cars, dumping tons of snow in front of mine. Last winter I was out in front with the Farmall trying to plow, she came around the corner and as soon as she came around she was all over the horn. There was much yelling and screaming going on

They have two agressive pit bulls. One day one ran to the fence and jumped up. I told them if I EVER see either dog off the chain and running towards me again, I will shoot them on sight

Had to shame him into cutting down about a dozen trash trees like Alder which had grown up 60' or so and THEN DIED.

They all chain smoke, the Woman, her son, and his daughter and you can smell that **** from more than 10 ft away when they get in or out of their vehicles

I know, you thought I was kiddin'

