Man neighbors suck sometimes. Opinions?

If it was a different breed, would that make a difference?

We moved into our current neighborhood 6 months ago. There is a guy who leaves this beautiful hound dog outside loose while he and his wife are at work. They just recently added another mutt type dog and they both hang out around their house. Sometimes, they take a walk around the neighborhood. Oftentimes, the hound is lying down in the middle of the street and I have to drive around him! I have two dogs and would never leave them alone outside.

I've been around both dogs and they are fine. I really don't mind them being out. I love the hound!!

Dogs are dogs and as nice and friendly as they are, you just never know what they might do. One of our dogs is a rescued pit. We've had him four years and I trust him 99% of the time. It's the other 1% that is concerning.

You're in a predicament. I can see why you wouldn't want to get something started with your new neighbor, but on the other hand, you have to watch out for your grandkids. Maybe he will come around after seeing your grandkids and you explaining how they are scared of a dog running loose. Even convicts have hearts for children, lol.