Man neighbors suck sometimes. Opinions?

I rented a duplex in San Diego. The landlord's sister lived in the other unit. When she moved out, a single gentleman moved in with two well-behaved Dobermans. "Jim" was the most pleasant person I ever met, always upbeat, polite, and considerate. He had a moped he brought back with him from Vietnam, where he said he was working as an English teacher. What a nice man.

Many Asian families lived in our neighborhood. An adolescent Vietnamese boy started coming over to play with the dogs (Dobermans) in the fenced yard I shared with "Jim". Then I saw the kid standing at the front door of "Jim's" unit, where he was offered a cool drink. Then one day the kid's mother (did not speak English) came over looking for the kid, and I told her he was not at my place. I guess the kid had visited "Jim" on more than one occasion.

One day I was reading about "Megan's Law" and then looked up a website that showed where all the sex offenders were living in San Diego County. I zoomed in on my neighborhood to find I was surrounded my released/convicted sex offenders. When I clicked on my address ... the foto of the man renting the other unit of my duplex (Jim) flashed on the screen! Shocked, to say the least.

I called the police department and told them this sex offender was making friends with young boys. When they got back to me, they said there was nothing they were going to do because "Jim's" probation had ended and I had provided no evidence that a crime had been committed.

To answer the question about what to do about neighbors, please take the initiative to protect yourself, family, and property without having to rely on the police or anyone else. How many times has someone been injured/killed by someone they had filed a restraining order against?--can do more harm than good.