Man neighbors suck sometimes. Opinions?

^^There is a certain amount of truth to this statement.^^

I don't even begin to know what to tell you. Where I live, I think I'd have a chat with the Twp Trustee's and let him know my concerns. Maybe they can at least advise you on the laws.
I have a German Shepard that I let run in my yard. But he knows to stay in the yard and I broke down and bought a GPS collar. So if he does leaves the yard, I know it right away. My neighbors are all okay, and I'd like to keep it that way, that's why I bought the collar.
I agree with your concern about the dog. I was a mail carrier, can't tell you the number of times people told me their dog was was "okay", only to have it go ape when they weren't around.
I hope it works out for you, good luck!

Yea, the gun the first time was to serve two purposes.
1. I didn't know what to expect of the dog on the first meet at my front door.
2. I wanted it REAL obvious this isn't community property.
My Wife was also a letter carrier, so I totally know where you are coming from.
My other neighbor (one of the good ones) told me his pit was ok and the SOB nipped me on the back of the leg just under my *** cheek when I turned my back.
No blood, but one hell of a blood blister.:D

I was pissed at first because it hurt like hell, but I was on his turf so I could kind of understand.:D
I just don't go over to his house if the dog isn't put up.