Man neighbors suck sometimes. Opinions?

irresponsible dog owner there.. i understand dogs can get loose (i have three) but to openly allow it is a poor dog owner.

first thing to do is talk to the guy. gotta start here... if that doesn't work call animal control.. they should get find over it. if that doesn't work call the police and document it all..

had a similar issue here.. neighbor's dog shows up in my yard.. ok its an ok dog. not trained very well but not a mean or viscous dog. neighbor is calling it so i walk to the fence and hand her over.. over the next few months the damn dog was over for hours a day.. then started digging and shitting all over my yard.. had animal control come get her numerous times.. had them talk to the owner.. then things turned ugly.. neighbors kids got int it with jamie and another neighbor... ended uo in court.. obviously the loser kids knew the system and we were in court a bunch of times which is ridiculous but thats another story.. in the end i had the police reports from a 2 year period and had the dog on camera numerous times that was showed tot he judge. she ended up getting a $500 fine. i have only seen the dog get out like twice since.. the second time i called the cops and asked them to talk to the dogs owner and tell them that this time i'm not pushing the issue but if i see the dog in my yard again we will start with complaints all over again..

personally i think it was the lazy kids that would just open the door and let the dog out.. the parents seemed to put the dog on a lead. been good for a long time now.. that $500 it cost her did the trick..

as far as that son goes.. 30 year old messing around with a 14 year old? bullet needs to be put in that guys head..