Man neighbors suck sometimes. Opinions?

I have a suggestion....

Call a Pit Bull rescue organization near you and tell them about the dog. Tell them it's a nice dog, but runs free all the time and you think it's being mistreated.

I can almost guarantee that someone will swoop up the dog and find a new home for it.

I've dealt with dog rescue organizations before. The people involved can be very aggressive about getting the dog off the street and into a home where it will be taken care of.

Best idea yet!!!!

When I was stationed in England, there was a wife in the neighborhood that locked up a German Shepherd in a closet whenever the husband when to work (12 hours). My wife got word of it and talked the owners into letting us have it. We called out the Ministry of Defense and they evaluated the dog to work for them. They accepted the dog to become a Ministry of Defense dog!!

Another family got reassigned and left a dog abandoned in the house! We broke in a rescued the dog and found a good home for it.

Great ideal of telling the rescue organization it may be mistreated. Let them take it.