Man neighbors suck sometimes. Opinions?

I'm sure its not. Nor have i ever had to shoot someones pet. However re read your response, it sounds like your making the case for 2 wrongs making 1 right. Now we can go round n round on this, and never see eye to eye, and thats ok. But we dont know how it is in trailbeasts neighborhood. Does he live in a closely populated suburban neighborhood? If so then thats why you let animal control deal with it, keep records, or like another person mentioned the adopt a pitbull groups. Sounds like you live in the sticks, with little to no neighbors next door to you. Like the deputy sheriff mentioned, kill it and bury it, but you didnt hear that from him. Two different locations, and population counts in the neighborhoods. What works in your location, might not work in his, or open a bigger can of worms with mr prison tat neighbor. We all have given him advice, and thats great!! Its easier sometimes to make a decision when you get multiple points of view and can select one to use, or a combinatiin of the above. In the end i think he will decide on what to do that best suits him and where he lives.