Man neighbors suck sometimes. Opinions?

The best (all) neighbors live at least 10 miles away. My life has always been this way.

Last fall I moved to Tx to be with the love of my life. We live 5 miles out of a small town on 5 ac. . Neighbor to the West live on 10 ac with her 2 grown sons and some pit bulls, which came on our property and killed my 2 min. dachunds. long story, but they basically don't care. they put up a fence and I have not found their dog off their property since, although it can get thru.

MY desire is to kill that dog. Tx has pretty strict laws against such. But, only reason I have not done so anyway, is we have 2 cow dogs and these "neighbors" would no doubt poison ours to get back.

When my wife retires in 2 years, we will sell out and MOVE. Yep, NO neighbors within 10 miles. All stray dogs bigger than my dogs will get shot. Sorry.

I had terrible problems with next door neighbor for years until they moved. Police or ambulance next door every weekend! Screaming and fighting, doors slamming, 5-6 cars in and out the driveway at all times. Best part was the screaming parrot they kept in the patio outside my bedroom window! Oh, and a Pitbull AND a Rotweiler than would knock the gate open and growl at me as I worked on my car! It could have went two different ways... and almost went the wrong way when one night I lost it and screamed "I am going to kill that bird!" and they heard me INSIDE their house. LOL. Next day we had a talk along the property line, the bird was now kept INSIDE the house and I could sleep again. Bottom line, TALK to your neighbors, they can't read your mind... but they can sure HEAR it when you scream your thoughts in the middle of the night hahahahahaha.

P.S. The day they moved (7 years later) the wife said, "I bet you are glad we are leaving huh?" I just smiled and wished her the best. I now have neighbors that are a 9 out of 10. PEACE AT LAST. I do not make any noise before 8am, no air tools air dark either. Respect works both ways.