Head help....

Okay........that is..........if you think a head swap for .2-.3 seconds in the 1/8 is minimal. The, uh, guys, you were talking to, have a bunch of personal head swapping experience? Pretty sharp engine builders are they? I've done nothing but changed valve diameters and picked up 15 HP.

Making it tight, consistent and tune is a good idea.
Yes they are very experienced drag racers. Their argument was that my current set up is well matched and to really gain at this point a larger cam would be needed. If I could be sure that my car would go say a 7.60 with new heads I would probably go for it. I guess the only way I could know would be to do it but 1200 bucks goes a long way else were in the car. Thats my dilemma.
I would be sick If ran about the same lol.