Man neighbors suck sometimes. Opinions?

Trust no unknown dog. He might think his dog is just fine, but it might be in new circumstances in someone else's yard. Call animal control. After a few fines most people get the idea. I have had several. Most from rescues and then rehomed. Mostly pitbulls. Even one of my current ones, she loves everyone and will run up, fall over, and give you her belly, but drop an unpredictable toddler her size that's running 100mph in different directions in front of her and she gets edgy. I kept her because I don't trust someone else to handle her. Also just had an incident with a family members dog that got a hold of their newborn by the bottom lip and tore it requiring a bunch of stiches on both sides. Then got the teenager who trying to pull the dog off the infant.. New situation, nobody paying attention, and the baby started crying. After the hospital, the authories got involved and she hid the dog. A week later she turned over the dog. 2 bite law here and the dog has never bit anyone before but as far as I'm concerned she should have been charged with child endagerment. Should have never happened. They knew the dog was sketchy to begin with.

The concerns about pitbulls are not without merit. Pitbulls for the most part are generally very loving, friendly and affectionate but there's still alot of game dogs out there. The female I have is a little beat up, has had her teeth filed, and was bred out by the previous owner. I believe she was a bait dog. She follows me room to room or follows me around the yard. She won't go outside without me. Never leaves the yard. She is usually no more then 10 feet from me but I have had issues with my neighbors dogs and my neighbors themselves when their dogs have entered my yard. When I moved here I met my neighbor walking the property line with my dog. Told me all about his badass 75 lb pit and I told him he's coming over and he better keep him in his yard. When this dog entered my yard my dog kept herself in between me and him untill he got within 10 feet.When he postured she was on him. 45lbs lit him up. They all keep their dogs in their own yards now. I never thought she had it in her because she's so docile otherwise.

I think "Sketchy" is a very good name for a dog.
Oh, that's not a name, is it?
Well, it's still a good name.