Man neighbors suck sometimes. Opinions?

Holy smokes I wanted to make a comment about Post Number One and read through the first page and by the second page they were on a lapso Apso dogs which I had one was my first dog LOL then I skipped to the second page and 4th page then skip to the fourth page. ANYWAYS ---
My wife and I literally struck gold with our neighbors and have pretty great people all the way around us. With that said we're still looking for property out a ways and would like our own. As for the dog my main concern would be about it crapping in my yard which would immediately get flung with a shovel over into theirs. Beyond that it's not the dogs fault and I'd probably give it treats and kill the whole situation with kindness. Sometimes remember keeping your enemies closer? I understand you don't want anybody close but that dog is definitely not your enemy. Never know if you treated it nice enough and it's there in the neighborhood it may save you! LOL
Take my answer here or my two cents worth with a grain of salt please we have dogs and are responsible dog owners.