Man neighbors suck sometimes. Opinions?

From the sound of it I wouldn't trade my neighbors for any of yours. I am the go to guy when they have problems and I don't mind. My newest neighbors that have been out here about a month called me Friday night and had a problem. Their 200-300 lb pig that they had in a chain link dog pen some how got out and they found him drowned in the pool. I had gone into town to eat so I told Jeremy to get a rope on him and I would bring backhoe and get him out and bury him. Before I left another neighbor walked over with a hot apple pie and thanked me for helping the new neighbors. When I get one of my cars out and light em up I don't hear one complaint. Last night another neighbor a couple miles up the road called and said bring a gun and get up there. He had shot a deer with his bow and it ran so his 4 month old Lab tracked it down but it wasn't dead. I jumped on Ranger and took him my pistol to finish it off. I grew up here and all the others moved in around me. The one I helped said he has a saying "If I don't know, call Joe"