Freeze Plug Replacement Motor in Car

I used to have a tapered teak wooden table leg (Danish modern) that I cut off at the exact diameter needed to hold the freeze plug square and drive it in. I trimmed the other half for the smaller plugs and used both tools for years.

I also recall installing one of those rubber plugs at a gas station one night in the middle of a 700 mile road trip. This was after a mile and a half jog to get to the parts store before it closed (and back). Never would have made it but the station attendant called ahead so they would stay open (this was BCP). The plug held up but the water pump seal ate it from spinning dry. Had to add a gallon of water every 30 minutes for the next 400 miles. Replaced the pump in another parts store parking lot the next AM.

I have had trips like that before.:D (not in my Dart though)
On one hand it's kind of fun going through the adventure of it and on the other it sucks.
When we first started taking my Dart on multi thousand mile trips I was a little apprehensive about what if something broke out in the middle of nowhere.
Then I told myself there really wasn't anything I couldn't fix, and I relaxed about it.
It hasn't failed once on one of the trips yet though, and one of them was 17 hrs keeping at 80mph as much as possible.
Once I relaxed and made myself quit listening for every little noise it started getting fun as hell to do those trips.