Man neighbors suck sometimes. Opinions?

A young family moved in 2 doors down. Never had any garbage blow into my yard until then.
Always something. My neighbour between us now picks it up and putsiut on the offenders deck. Or into the bonfire pit. Their dog keeps to the yard, so they have a handle on that.

When we lived in the state of sissies and tofu we lived about two blocks from a Mc D's and for a long time had Mc D trash in our fenced yard.
I always thought people were finishing their food and throwing the trash in the yard.
It was my own damn dog I found out.
We never knew she got out, but one morning I got up really early and I was standing in the front window with no lights on in the house and saw her jump up on top of and over the fence.
About 20 min later here she comes back over the fence with a mouthful of Mc D's trash.:D