.org has crashed

Sad to hear this.

There's one rule one should remember when you depend on others to handle your website-data: You never have a backup of your stuff(website) if you don't have it yourself in your own possession!

I host some 80 website-domains on my own VPS (virtual private server) and about half of them have (some semi) active websites behind them.
For me this is a hobby, but even still, I feel very responsible for the data on those websites and the people depending on it.
Therefore everyday a backup is made online on the server itself;
The serverprovider creates backups themselves as well which I can access to restore if needed;
In addition, every 2 days I auto-create my own server-snapshot, after which I usually run any serversoftware backups to keep everything up to date;
About every 2 weeks I download an entire backup to my home computer.

Never wonder if a server-crash will happen, but wonder when.