climate change

Do humans contribute to Co2 levels? Yeah. Extent? Who knows for sure? Climate change real? You bet. But even more so if you're paid to study it by grants I suspect.
Not many (if at all any) so called "deniers" or "skeptics" getting grant money I'd imagine.

Ready to pay for your "carbon footprint"? It's coming.....
Exxon Mobil Lends Its Support to a Carbon Tax Proposal

Follow the money!

Was NY city to be under water by 2010 or something like that? And that poor polar bear on the last little piece of Arctic ice, how did it fair?
Lions, and tigers, and bears, OH MY!

.........."For all these years the Algorians have been making predictions for calamities from coastal flooding, huge storms and droughts to unprecedented heat waves all as a result of this “greenhouse gas” carbon dioxide. "

Some info on climate change here some may (or may not) be interested in...........
(no title)