408 Stroker

Part 2
So what to do? That box by itself is good for a low-rpm, hi-torque engine. When you add the GVOD and split gears, it becomes an incredible experience. It works best NOW, with a hi-torque bigger engine to keep the rpms down, and one that has a maybe slightly narrower than usual powerband,and who cares how fast it runs cuz it will just be so much fun. At least that's the attitude I took.
So, this combo liked my 367/230cam. It has enough cubes to pull itself outta the hole when just grannying about, and I geared it for the 1/8 in 1.30 gear, that's 4 ratios to get there. And let the quarter be what it would to be. She went 93(eighth) that day.
And that brings us to the second glitch with that combo. With a teener,anytime you want to do some spirited driving, you will HAVE to split-shift. And as fun as that is for a few weeks, it does get old. And here's why; The GVOD shifts like lightning.....when it shifts. The problem is that it's a hydraulic unit, and it gets it's power from the driveshaft. So when you start off from zero mph, there is no pressure. So you have to wait for the pressure to come up. With 3.55s this takes a while. With 4.30s it was fast enough. The next thing is, it doesn't shift the second you push the button; rather there is a fraction of time and then BAM!, and I mean BAM!!. It shifts so fast,you will hardly see the gap in the rubber on the road. And power-shifting at WOT, there is no shock absorption so it tends to break parts. It used to bark the 295 tires at 80mph on the shift.
And the third; You cannot backshift the unit under power. You can downshift the mainbox at any time, but to outshift the CVOD you must clutch it and wait for the shift. And there is no telling when the shift has taken place cuz to wire it for splitshifting, you throw out the little computer it comes with. So you have to learn to anticipate that outshift.
And the fourth; if you back up the car with the unit engaged, you will almost surely kill the unit. That little mistake on my part, less than 2 seconds,cost me 2400USd plus shipping both ways. OUCH!
So I wired up some lights right under my tach, to tell me when the GVOD was energized, and when the trans was in reverse, and I always look there before letting out the clutch,lol.
So there are some caveats.