Best Spot weld cutting method

Best method I have found is to buy some center drills (Harbor Freight) then center drill all the spot weld you want to remove then buy a spot weld remover (Body Paint shop). Once you have a good center drill hole in the (middle of the) spot weld you can use the spot weld remover to drill out the spot weld. The trick is to clean the spot weld area real good so you can see what you're doing then use the center drill to put a hole as close as possible to the center of the spot weld. Once you have the center drilled hole in place you can use the spot weld remover to drill out the spot weld. This process requires a little patience!! Don't drill too fast (low speed) and you'll break the spot weld remover. Use some cutting fluid and your spot weld remover will last a long time. If you try and hurry you'll break the spot weld remover. I've disassembled a whole Mopar this way and sold all the parts individually.

I agree with the above post. Drill a pilot hole as close to center of the spot weld as you can. I use Blair (brand)
spot weld cutters,. They come in 1/4", 5/16" and 3/8" cutters that attach to an arbor. I use a 1/2" air drill as
it has a slower rpm and more power than a 3/8" drill. Buy extra pins and cutters as they will break. Try to drill
as square to metal you are drilling to prevent breakage. I also use Irwin double ended 1/8" drill bits for the pilot
hole. They seem to last the longest, even though they are made in China now like everything else.