Tesla roadster: 8.8 1/4 from the factory.

Electric vehicles are already here, and in large numbers. Driving wheels with electric motors has long been proven to be better than mechanical drives. The 100% electric vehicle is only waiting on battery technology to catch up to be pervasive.

Diesel electric trains have been around for decades. Why? Because electric drive motors are far superior. Instant torque, infinitely variable and total control. Whether the electricity comes from batteries or onboard fossil fuel generators doesn't change that. Hybrid cars do the same. Ships use electric thrusters.

Anyone who thinks EV drive and 100% EV vehicles aren't the way the entire vehicle industry is going simply isn't paying attention to technology development. It will be in everything (and already is in many) from ships, trains, automobiles, farm equipment, fork trucks to all the rest.

Internal combustion mechanical drive systems are only 38% efficient and electric systems far surpass them.

It isn't a question of "if"...