TV speakers for the deaf?

Could you ever swing a budget of $2-3 thousand for actual hearing aids? My wife has been going deaf for years and we needed to do something about it; shw could not hear normal level conversations anymore. The local audiologists were asking $5-7k for a pair. I got to researching, and found a good place selling them on-line for well under half.... for the best name brands. They even have a technology where you can adjust them after you wear them for a while, at no charge.

The online seller is; they are in Iowa. We got some top end Widex ones for my wife, but they have several levels of aids. If you get a hearing test at an audiologist, then you send a copy in to BuyHear, and their audiologist makes a recommendation from that.

Having aids have made a HUGE and wonderful difference in her life; some of the best money I/we have ever spent. Now she asks me "Does the TV sound loud to you?" when I have it set to my comfortable listening level LOL