Net neutrality affecting Fabo?

Of course it could be affected!

The bottom line is, without net neutrality internet providers could charge extra for anything they wanted, or block access to anything they wanted. An extra fee for email, or social media websites for example. Or they could slow down competitors services. Say you get internet from your cable provider, well, they don’t want you streaming cheap movies from Netflix, so they slow down your bandwidth when you access Netflix so your movie quality sucks and you go back to getting your movies from them.

And of course, internet providers would be allowed to pick and choose what websites you have access to at all. Maybe your ISP is owned by the same company as CNN. So, they decide to block access to Fox, a competitor. No problem at all, perfectly legal without net neutrality. And they could block access to anything. Maybe they don’t like online forums, so they block them entirely. Or maybe they notice that a bunch of their subscribers spend a lot of time on forums, and decide to have a special access plan that costs extra. Again, no problem if net neutrality goes away.

Even if an ISP came out and said it wouldn’t charge extra or block access, there would be nothing to keep that from changing. Back to the forum access plan- an ISP could study its users internet use habits (they already do), and then design plans to wring more money out of its users. It could implement changes at any time, so, even if access to FABO wasn’t affected at first, there would be no reason that couldn’t change later.

And this isn’t gloom and doom stuff. Comcast, AT&T and other companies have already been caught slowing access to their competitors services, slowing uploads and downloads etc. There are examples in the Wikipedia link listed above of ISP’s limiting services and getting caught. But having net neutrality means they do get caught, and are forced to stop that BS when they do get caught. Without net neutrality, all of those dirty tricks would be perfectly legal.