Net neutrality affecting Fabo?

Government stepping in and regulating what service has made it better, more innovative and affordable?
Oh yeah, Health Insurance...

Competition is what drives innovation forward and costs down.
Regulation always favors the well connected, well funded, wealthy interests.

We keep the ISP's honest.
There are people that have nothing better to do than sniff out and share every possible injustice perpetrated against humanity by Big Corporations and Big Government. Step out of line and we will hear about it.
There are no secrets anymore.

Old article but still relevant.
Am I The Only Techie Against Net Neutrality?

Government Regulations make the internet better? Not likely.

The IoT will evolve faster and better without Government slowing it down.
A look at the "Near Future"...

my 2¢ fwiw.
Off my soap box and back to the important stuff. Cars!

There’s only one thing you need to know about that article. It was written by a CEO of a digital marking company. Those are exactly the people that stand to benefit from getting rid of net neutrality. It will not increase competition. It will not foster innovation. It will allow the ISPs to control your content, and it will line their pockets with your money. And hey, digital marketing companies like the one the author runs can rake in the cash working out agreements between the ISP’s and web content providers, determining what you see and how much you have to pay for it.

The biggest names that oppose net neutrality are the ones that stand to benefit the most financially if it goes away, and that should not be a surprise. Getting rid of net neutrality does not help the consumer.