Millinials Have Done It Again

Yes they ruined something else making it about what they wanna do another made up excuse not do something. Friendsgiving what the hell is that. It’s the beginning of the end of Family not being important. It’s about them and what they feel like.

we have friendsgiving with several people from our church, traditionally, on the wednesday before thanksgiving
there were probably people from 6 or 7 different states there, at least 3 different countries
most of them, or, i should say, us, have our families a very large distance away and were not able to visit them
the rest of them had traditional thanksgiving the next day

so, we got together with friends who could not make it to their family
whats wrong with that?

on top of that, i had to have thanksgiving with my inlaws, if it wasnt for the three pieces of pie i had on friendsgiving i would have had NO PIE this week