Opinions Please.....

What is it with people now a daze?
They can't even cook when they are home.
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"Here's my money. Cook for me"

I don't need booze with food.
The wife and I really don't go out to eat much.
Pay big money for a piece of cow, cheap *** potato and expensive desert?
My daddy didn't raise no fool.
(Someone tells me "We are going out for Italian.
I say: "Oh, you are going to eat noodles")
My cooking is better anyway than a restaurant .
When we do go out, we like Chic Fil A.
I feel good giving money to the little Christian kids behind the counter and it's a nice place to people watch.

This taco place you went?
The food better have been worth it.
I would have either left or started screaming my self.
Hey, if the kid can do it so can I.
That being said, I have no problem with your actions.