Not sure what this means..Fiat changing platform on products

You guys realize the FWD/AWD/RWD LH/LX platform (Charger/Challenger/300/Magnum) was an AMC/Eagle design and has been in use since the 1980's and was also the platform for Intrepids Concords and Visions, right?

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Wrongo Bro, that was the Gawdawful pact with Renault You have picd there, the Renault Alliance was the sister car to that abomination, and that all disappeared fairly soon after
Mopar took the reigns of AMC. The Interpid, Con-cored, and Viz-Yinz were all Mopars new
"cab-forward" LH platform. There aren't many or any parts I can think of that interchange
between the two, and I've changed a lot of 'em! The only 300 series based on the LH is
the 300M, which was a great car, if it weren't that the entire line suffered from Iacocca's
"lets be first!" obsession at the time. Many of the hiccups in that line were a direct result
of not working the new tech & control systems out thoroughly, and the 1st gen's use of the
terrible "poly foam" isolation bushings in the subframe & spring seats.