Question on piston and rod balancing

Yeah, I hear ya on the balance factors. When I sent my parts out, I asked for the parts to hang together at 7000 cuz I was a smartiepants and wanted to spend time up there.I didn't care about low-rpm smoothness. And for a few years everything went smoothly,lol. Then my driving style changed,as I got older,(I built her in 99 at age 46), and by then I had forgotten all about that. One summer, several years later,the low speed vibration got to me, and after several hours of searching, I concluded that the vibration was coming from the engine................. And That's when I remembered.
Ohhhhhhhhh! I said.
When I first put it together, it had 3.55s and 25.6" tires so 65mph was 3033rpm and it was a stick.. And it was dead-smooth. Four years later it had morphed into 4.30s and a GVOD, and 65 was now 2837. The following year I made some more changes and 65 was now 2273, and that's when the vibration became noticeable. Man did I hunt for it! But it was so small, and I said; Oh well, I'll know better next time. That was over 10 years ago,lol.....I don't think there will be a next time.....