Question on piston and rod balancing

Maybe if you stroke it, the balance will be cheaper to achieve,lol. 88 grams per is a lot of correction.Check your deck clearance after the heads come off, maybe there's room,lol.
And for sure; heed Mopers warning. Specs are in the KB catalog. It's all too easy to make things too tight. I ended up taking my 367 apart to loosen it up a little. It liked to "seize" up every time I shut it off. I had to wait sometimes a half an hour with the hood up, before even a new mini-starter couldn't crank her over. A thou on the skirt and two on the gaps, and I never again had that problem. I had used re-useable gaskets so it didn't cost me much more than time, and I outsourced the resizing.
But I tore that engine down,4 winters in a row, to check up on it. Those gaskets got cheaper every time lol.
Your BB IDK. I'm an SBMer.