Do I go with the 318 or the 360?

$1500.00 to notch the bores is a giant screw job. It doesn't take 15 hours to notch bores, and that's at $100.00/hour.

Plus, as RF said, no need to do it. The valves open on the centerline of the bore. It's not a 273.
I wonder how many unknowingly paid the piper?
I wonder how many magazines writers actually know what the hell there doing?
I wonder if they can actually write up and show an inexpensive engine?
Does every build need that high dollar part? Naaaaa, not really.
Do you need to purchase everything new in the box? Aaaaaa, not really. But if it is, that’s on you and I won’t say nothin!

I am by far a person that will penny pinch every purchase for the cheapest possible route. I also don’t complain at the price total. Because engine building isn’t cheap. The only thing I want when the work is done is “quality” first!