Breaking up is hard to do.

Fabo is no help LOL

I recently had a mind to make some life altering choices so I thought to downsize my collection.

So I go through my list of cars and I think, ok I will eliminate 3 cars ...that will net me some cash for other endeavors and be that much less to worry about.

So I figured I would eliminate my valiant wagon and a duster.

So I log onto fabo and first thing I see is a thread of a member saving a duster ...I think wow that looks a lot like my duster was when I first got it and I suddenly went down memory lane of how exciting it was and how much I was in to it.

When I got it, the last thing I ever thought was parting with it, and here I am at a life cross road and I still cant think of it. So I guess I might be the "I will fix it someday people" but does a passion change things and really matter when a car is sitting idle......I don't really know the answer to life.

Its a sickness and FABO is no help LOL ...of course I mean that in a good way.

so now I am thinking to eliminate a different hobby and see if I can part with some cars a few years from now, after I am in too deep into a new life to ever turn back.

Mopar or No Car forever
