10.2 : 1 compression 360 at sea level. Options?

Hey Matthew,
You gonna bring that thing out Saturday so I can see it in the daylight?
I may have some goodies you'd be interested in, depending on what you decide to do. Don't go buying stuff until we talk. I'm on vacation this week, you are always welcome to come by the house and take the spare parts tour.
Hey KnuckleDuster, what's goin
You shouldn't need high test for where you are and what you have. Timing is important, but timing is not just the "how much", but also the "when". So when the centrifugal starts and finishes is just as important as the amount of advance. You should also focus hard on the step up springs in the carb, and the sizes of the steps on the metering rods once you get the timing curve done. I don't think you'll need super unleaded, never mind the octane booster once the tune is right.
So what's the recommendation for mechanical curve timing/ what rpm should it start kicking in? I haven't personally considered that part before, but it definitely makes sense.