electric fuel pump

This car is a slant Volare, the PO added a small electric fuel pump and BYPASSED the mechanical pump. Yes it starts immediately, runs great, but I do not like the NON dependability of it should the electric pump fail. The mechanical pump does suck air, I want to run the fuel line back with that pump keep electric pump too I guess.
Can I test the mechanical pump with vacuum gauge? and how mch pressure should it have?

Test it like the shop manual directs. Put the suction side into fuel, like a can for a lawn-mower/snow-throw. Direct the output into another fuel container. Measure the amount moved and time. If it meets the minumum spec in the book, that much is good. To check pressure. Take the output and put a pressure gage on it. Allow zero flow out. Pressure should be whatever the book says. Probably around 5.5 psi

if you keep the electric, have a bypass around it. The mechanical pump will not draw well with such an obstruction on the suction side.