Opinions Please.....

OH, and by the way.
Go to the damn restroom to blow your nose ya frickin disgusting noise making pig.:D

One of my peaves.:D
It amazes me, that the same generation who's mothers taught them to carry a handkerchief, doesn't have the sense to not use it at the table!
I have said something to people about it too. Little worse than eating and listening to someone blow their damn nose! Last time the guys wife demanded that I be removed from the restaurant. When the mgr came to talk to me, I asked him how it was any different than me sitting there cracking gas? None! Don't do it!
having to listen to that garbage would annoy me more then any kid screaming thats for sure.
Believe it or not, not everyone has the same religious or political views as you. Keep it to yourself or don't get offended someone else has a different opinion.