Barry Grant/Holley 750 Double Pumper Base Plate Question

Hi Mopar-Man,

o.k. perhaps my description was not good enough.
The Boosters are not dripping.
When I hit the throttle, the fuel from the accelerator pumps goes downward the carb and not all of it is sucked into to engine.
A small ammount is dripping out of the carb, between the shaft and the plate.
This only happens, if I hit the throttle a little bit harder. If I press the pedal realy slow, there is no dripping.

Fuel level is set to the middle of the window at idle Speed.

I will check the idle mixture and needle & seat......

Thank you for the reply, regards, Eckhard :)

O.K. So its definately not the throttle shafts. When the engine is running, that fuel should be pulled to the lowest pressure - the cylinders.

When the fuel comes out the accelerator pump, it should be when the throttles are opening. If you suddenly close the throttle, or the engine is not running. Then yes some of it may end up on the throttles and spread from there.

6.5 psi should be OK, but it is about the maximum the float and needles can hold. If you can run less pressure, that is better.