Been A While

Well I went to the owner first about the issues I was dealing with and he sent this guy out to talk to me to "help."
Basically, I got the shaft as they hired the old dept manager back who had gotten fired from the last production manager. Well he thought I got this last one to fire who got demoted back to the floor from lead? Me. I couldn't prove that's what's it was but he ended up slipping up. The old manager told another employee he didn't like me because he thought I got him fired. I knew I was right about the whole thing. I confronted him and he backpedaled but ended up admitting it. I always like him and was just as shocked as everyone else that he got let go.
Several weeks later...he got fired this new guy. 3 days later it was me. My old manager told me afterward...we met up...that this new production manager had a list made up of people he didn't like. And it was us guys who had been there 10 plus years.