Need Opinions. Have nothing to compare to.

Were the dyno runs "full pull" or cruise speed runs? There are specific reasons for vacuum advances. Am I reading that your afvance can is pulling in 30° of advance?

Dyno runs were from about 2000 rpm up to just under 5000 rpm. We didn't push it above 5000 rpm because we didn't know much about the motor yet and didn't want to push it too hard. Out of curiosity,... what is safe redline for these big blocks? I've always heard don't push it over 5500 for very long.

No, I wouldn't say advance can is pulling in 30 degrees of advance. All-in advance is 45, but the majority of that should be coming from mechanical advance. If I remember correctly from while originally setting it myself with vacuum disconnected, I set it to about 33 at 2500, then checked initial and it was about 12, so I should be getting around 20 degrees of mechanical. Initial is now set at 15 and full advance with rpms held about 2500 and vacuum connected is 45 (according to his timing light).

That would mean I'm getting about 10 degrees of advance from the vacuum can,.... Correct?