Honestly, I owe it all to FABO...

As many of you know, back in July I opened the doors to a new, Mopar only shop here in Murfreesboro TN.
Business is great!
I went from worrying about filling six empty bays to being jammed and booked solid through early next year in nothing flat. I'm already considering a bigger location.
The journey here began about eight years ago, when I had a small pile of parts on my shed floor and needed to make some room.
On a whim, I placed a couple of add here on FABO, and was amazed at how quickly everything sold.
A couple of weeks later, an old bud asked me if I wanted to buy him out of a couple of storage units filled with A Body stuff. Seeing how the first pile sold. I agreed, and thus a full time parts business was launched.
It has been awesome! Thousands of sales, many new friends and acquaintances...tons of back breaking work, but worth every bit of it.
The parts business is a full time thing that has Kathy and myself working 18 hour days, 7 days a week. No complaints!..we're living the dream and grateful for the opportunity.
But, there are so many hours in the day, and only so much focus that can be dedicated in any given direction, and the shop is asking for more and more of it. So, it's time to scale back on parts and push forward on expanding the shop.
I'm not disappearing from FABO, but I'll be listing fewer things going forward.
I do need to thin some of the inventory also, to make room for customer cars and de clutter life in general. I have dozens of current listings on here now...if you see something you can use, feel free to lowball me!!
I also have a whole yard filled with parts cars that are going to have to be cut down. If you need something structural or oddball, now's the time to hit me up for it.
Joey..I am eternally grateful for the opportunity you have given us here, as well as the slack you cut me when I was being a bit too aggressive or just an asshole in general.
I'll always represent for this place, and hopefully, always be a welcome part of it.
Amazing what can be done with a pile of **** on a shed floor, huh...