parts list for swap ?

I was wondering almost up there was a kit if you will. One that has the crossover connections for the power steering and a crossover electrical connection for the alternator. You know stuff like that or it can just be done with a quick parts list and go. I certainly didn't want to put all my La stuff On it. I was hoping that the Durango oil pan would be fine, but I haven't looked under there to see it's configuration. This also gets a little more difficult as the Durango is running and has good tags and it's fine except for the wife crunched the front.
Again, I don't know the details for the accessories (alternator, power steering) when keeping the serpentine belt. Just remember, the water pump turns backwards on the magnum, so that matters to the fan. Many have kept the serpentine belt, but most I know run the LA front on the magnum.