Chroming Pot Metal Tail Light Bezels

Pot metal can be re-chromed, but you have to be sure your plater is good at it. Like all chrome work, the expense is in the prep and pot metal can be hard to repair. The better the pieces are to start, the better the end results. Often, the parts are copper plated to fill imperfections and then buffed down... sometimes over and over.

It's not cheap... and if repops are available, I'd go that route to save $$.

Triple chroming refers to the three layers, copper, nickle and chrome.

Big John, I have three complete sets for the 66 with good looking inner Bezels. Of the three sets, one set on the outers on the driver side is good, one set is so pitted, no good, but one set would be a candidate. I have been looking, on and off, via our forum, eBay, and etc for three or so years, but lots of $$$, and/or same as what I have got. I will bite the bullet, I suppose, real soon and just get them bought. When I began rebuilding the car, a member had an NOS set for $400.00, and I missed the boat. Thanks for the advise. Jerry