B/C-body Exhaust Manifolds, why won’t those work in A’s.

in a nutshell, what issues come into play that keep from using b/c-body manifolds in a-body cars? Anyone have pics of the clearance issues? Is the column completely in the way? Have a friend here who wants to build a big block car, but has every part to do it except the exhaust manifolds and a budget that makes a paperboy look rich. Any info or possible pics of the issue(s) would be appreciated.

Here is a C body HP manifold on a low deck big block. It clears everything but not by much. There would need to be a little bit of grinding done to keep the steering column from rubbing against the manifold as it moves around. I don't need this manifold so I'll sell it if someone needs it. I do not have the matching passenger side, just this one driver side. I even have the stove for it if someone wants to hook it up to an air cleaner for the stone stock look.

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