wife sees mouse, freaks out

No one wants to see a mouse in the house, but a mouse in the oven? It was sitting on the broiler pan when she opened it up this morning. We have heard something at night in the floors and our dog goes bananas pawing at the floor but never seen it. Wife complained of a smell, like a urine odor when the oven is on. Well, we seen it all right.... :-( now I have to seal up the back of the oven and figure out how to seal the side of the dishwasher that has a small space that opens to the 4" gap under the flagstone floor. Nice day off, honey! No poisons as we have a dog and a 3 year old, maybe small traps behind the oven and other places the dog sniffs..breed of dog: Rat Terrier...? I have had a trap in the attic for years and it still has peanut butter on it and has not sprung so its not made its way to attic. But we have a critter on our roof every night, we hear it climb the fence and then hop onto the roof. Must be a coon as it sounds more 'scratchy' than a cat...F'n nature!