2nd chance to make changes, what you you change?

So many times we do something when building our cars and later on in the build or when completed we sit back and think I should have done this differently. Or should I say at least I do this to myself.
On the build of my 66 Dart I wish I would have thought it out in more detail before I went into it. First let me say Im not done yet and Im not into a high dollar build. Im not building a show car. But at the same time I want it to be very nice for my efforts and yes, I have spent way to much money for what the value of the car will be when done. I find it very hard to determine where to spend or not spend money on new parts or just use the old parts "cleaned up".
With that said, here are some things I wish I would have done differently,

1. Narrowed the rear 1.5" on both sides which would have let me sit the rear lower and use an even wider tire.
2. Had a better plan on the dash layout instead of just fitting gauges in
3. Kept the car more of a driver so I could have been on the road much sooner!

There are many other things I wish I would have done different but they are 3 of the biggest things on mine I wish were different. Its been over 3 years and still not close.
SO lets hear some of the things you would change if you had to do it all over again. Maybe we can help someone thinking about undertaking a redo an early A body!

Looking forward to your comments,