Not happy Paul’s Chrome Plating.

Thanks everyone for all your opinions and advise. Yeah I sent a message back to Paul’s Chrome with detailed pics and an explanation of why I was displeased. I did speak with them before sending detailed pics of what they were starting with. They knew what they were working on before getting the bezels. What I was really surprised by, is that the areas that are visible from the back of the car when mounted, weren’t finished properly. There is about 1/4 to 1/2 inch of depth above where the lens sits. Three of the four bezels had pitting and scaling on those areas. See pics attached. They didn’t even fill, sand or prep those areas correct to make it right. I know they weren’t the best to start with but if I knew they were going to just disassemble the wiring strip them and dunk them in chrome I would of reconsidered for $200.00 to $250.00 dollars apiece. I don’t think I’m being unrealistic and many of you are validating that. I do realize that for them to sand, fill and smooth the entire bezel not seen, might be overreaching, but I would of prepared the bases myself. Other than the chroming process I could of done a much better job myself. I’m still shocked!

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Could you install a lens and see exactly what is going to show when installed??

The gasket will push it out a little too.

I'm looking at the pictures you posted and the pits look like they sit under the lens?

