Brakes "skip" as I press down. Whats goin on?

I'd check to see if you have a leaky wheel cylinder... brake fluid on the drum may cause it to grab then release.

These old cars can be a can of worms... dont just go throwing parts at it without some knowledgeable hands on advise. Todays techs know zero about working on old cars... you need to find someone who is in the biz and is fair and honest.

With al the rust and corrosion i see you would be well advised to soak every nut and bolt in PB Blaster, Kroil or another good solvent. I can guarantee those wheel cylinder bleeders are rusted tight. A $100 master cyl. Job can turn into a $1000.00 brake job in an instant.

Im not trying to scare you but to be aware of what can happen. These cars can be a blast to own...